In the fall of 2008 Pastor Nathan, Erika, and their three children moved from the Augusta, Maine area to Unity, Maine where they endeavored to start Bible Baptist Church. Church Hill Baptist Church where Pastor Nathan was the assistant pastor, sent them out as church planting missionaries. The home that they were able to purchase worked well for the early stages of a church plant providing a room large enough to have services in.
After about a year and a half the living room of their home was getting full and the decision was made to begin renting the main room at the Unity Community Center. This room worked well for the church for several years until the renting situation was going to change and the church began praying about the future.
After a couple of months and much prayer the Lord led Bible Baptist Church to their current property at 669 Albion Road. At their new location they have done two renovation projects. The Lord has been so gracious in providing this place and meeting the needs to renovate a once residential property to a functional and beautiful place for a church meeting house!